RSim   FAQ

  • What do I need to run RSim ?
    Download the archive for your favorite operating system. Under Linux you find a executable in the RSim/bin directory.
    If you use Win32, you find RSim.exe in the /RSim/src/VCpp/Release directory.
    Due to its static linking you do not need additional software.
  • How can I compile the sofware for myself ?
    Install the FastAndLight Toolkit first ( Currently the author uses the Version 1.1.3. Under Linux modify the makefile to include your path where you have installed the fltk lib and header files.
    If you use the VC++ project file under Win32 modify the projects settings according to your lib and header path.
  • How can I consider the dispersion of the light n(lambda) ?
    For each material you can provide a text file, which describes the dependence of the refractive index form the wavelength.The structure of the file is as follows:

    # Material Class: BK 7
    #Data Source: Schott Catalog
    #lower limit wavelength:
    #upper limit wavelength:
    #Number of Coefficients:
    #Real Part
    #Imag Part

    A line which starts with # are considered as a comment. You should provide two wavelength limits within your dispersion model is valid. Each n(lambda) and k(lambda) is treated as a polynom of k-th degree. First, you have to say how many coefficents you want to use. In the example above 5 for the real part and one for the imaginary part. After that you specify the coeficients. First for n, then for k.
    So if you have a discrete data table (experimental or from a text book, e.g "Handbook of Optical Constants") of your favorite material you have to fit your data to a polynom and feed the coefficients to RSim. Note that the unit for the wavelength is meter [m] !
    The above example was generated, converting the Sellmeier formula from the Schott catalog to a polynom of the fifth degree (for n ). The imaginary part is fixed for all wavelength to k= 1e-6.
  • Can I include birefingence in my calculations ?
    No, at the moment all materials treated as isotropic.